Welcome Harbor Heights Families

Special Announcements

Volunteers Needed: Interested in getting involved? Volunteers are always needed! Contact us to let us know you’re willing to lend a hand this year: HarborHeightsVPO@Gmail.com

Check out our upcoming events

We’re heading into 2025 ready to go! The following events are coming up:

  • Jan. 30: Read & Lead Kick-off. This school wide event will introduce new students to Read & Lead and jump start this multi-week literacy program. From Jan. 30 to March 21, 2025 students are encouraged to read a set number of minutes (800 for kindergarten, 1,200 for grades 1-5). After they complete their first two reading forms they receive a prize, including a free “Bambino” meal from Fondi Pizzeria. If they complete all three forms by March 21 they will receive an engraved Read & Lead medal with their name on it.
  • Feb. 3-8: Missoula Children’s Theatre: Acclaimed Missoula Children’s Theatre returns to Harbor Heights to showcase “Rumpelstiltskin”. Students in grades K-5 will rehearse immediately after school at Harbor Heights Monday-Friday. Younger students can expect rehearsals to last two hours. Older students can expect rehearsals to last four hours with a dinner break. Performances are Friday, Feb. 7 in the evening and Saturday, Feb. 8 in the afternoon. Students must attend every rehearsal. Only 60 spots are available. Cost is $60 per student. Register here.
  • Feb. 5: Chipotle Restaurant Takeover. Head to Chipotle in Uptown (4823 Point Fosdick Dr.) from 4-8 p.m. and tell them you’re with Harbor Heights VPO. The restaurant will donate 25% of all proceeds to support the VPO and our programming. If you order online, use code VVTG2WW. (Online ordering is only valid for pickup from the Uptown location on Feb. 5 from 4-8 p.m. Ordering delivery does not count toward our fundraiser.)
  • Feb. 12: Jersey Mike’s Subs Takeover. Head to Jersey Mike’s in Uptown (4819 Point Fosdick Dr.) from 4-8 p.m. and for a $5 donation you’ll get a regular size sub. Jersey Mike’s will donate 100% of the money raised to the VPO to help with our programming.
  • March 14: Sky Zone (Defy) Takeover. Looking for something to do on this day off? For $25 your child will get two hours of jumping at Sky Zone (formerly Defy) in Tacoma (1680 S Mildred St). Money raised from this event will benefit the PE specialist program at Harbor Heights.
  • March 28: Spring Event 80’s Night/Glow Party. Join us for this fun evening of 80’s music and dancing and of course costumes! We’re also hosting a silent auction at this event to help raise money to purchase a new sound system for the Harbor Heights Commons/Music performances.

What is the VPO?

VPO stands for Volunteer Parent Organization. This is like a PTA, but as a nonprofit, the VPO does not charge dues for members. There is a board of six people that are in charge of oversight of the VPO, but all parents/guardians with children at Harbor Heights are invited and encouraged to get involved. 

The VPO is responsible for putting on many of the school enrichment activities and events that the student body participates in. This includes:

  • Boo Bash & Spring Event. These after school events are 100% organized, paid for and operated by the VPO volunteers. They also serve as a fundraiser for the VPO to help pay for other VPO events and school enrichment programs.
  • Spell-a-thon. The VPO hosts this event as its major fundraiser for the year. Money raised from this event pays for other programs during the year.
  • Read & Lead. This literacy-focused program encourages students and parents/mentors to read for a set number of minutes from February to March. Prizes are awarded for each milestone and children who complete the goal receive an engraved medal at the end and attend an assembly celebrating their accomplishment. Children collect the medals each year, wearing them to the assembly to showcase their achievements.
  • Harbor Hikers/Fun Run. Harbor Hikers kicks off with a Fun Run at school where students and families walk and run around the track while music plays. Harbor Hikers encourages active participation by motivating children to walk/run around the HHES track during recess to earn “Feet” that go on a bracelet. PE Teacher Mr. Rucci also hosts “Walk/Roll/Run a Mile Day” during school, which ties into this VPO-led program.
  • Theater programs. The VPO partners with Missoula Children’s Theatre to introduce children to the arts. The Missoula program is one week and offers students the opportunity to rehearse and put on a full play.
  • After school enrichment. The VPO works with other programs like Snapology to bring afterschool programming for students.
  • Teacher grants. The VPO allocates funding to teachers to purchase items for classrooms or teacher requests for specific projects they are doing with students.
  • Movie Nights. The VPO hosts movie nights twice a year for families to come together to enjoy a discounted night at the movies.

Restock the Staff Lounge

Want to support Harbor Heights teachers and staff? We have an easy way for you to support those who support our children everyday. Check out this Amazon Wishlist to see how you can show some love for the dedicated staff at HHES. Once you select the item you want to purchase and go to checkout, the item will be shipped to the school so you don’t have to worry about anything!

Teacher Wish Lists

We asked Harbor Heights teachers and specialists what they need to help with the day-to-day operations at school. Below are Amazon wish lists created with their needs. If you’d like to support our wonderful Harbor Heights staff, please click the links below. At check out click the address link for Harbor Heights. It will send the items directly to school.

Thank you for your support of the teachers and staff!

Specialists/Student Support Service

Transitional Kindergarten


1st Grade

  • Mrs. Bagwell
  • Mrs. Jensen
  • Mrs. Morrison (1st/2nd split)
  • Mrs. Sawyer

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

Reader Board Rental

Have a special message you want to share with your student? Or maybe you want to give a Harbor Heights staff member a shout out? We can do that for you! Send us an email to hhreaderboard@gmail.com, let us know what day(s) you wish to rent and the message and we’ll let you know the cost and get the message up.

A graphic of an orca jumping out of the water with blue sky and an iceberg behind it.
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