
Please consider making a 100% tax deductible donation to the Harbor Heights VPO by clicking the link below:

Additional ways to donate to the Harbor Heights VPO:

  • Box Tops for Education. Download the Box Tops app on your phone. Select “Harbor Heights VPO”. Then every time you shop, don’t forget to scan your receipts using the app. You can scan receipts from anywhere you purchase groceries: Costco, Target, Safeway, Albertsons, Fred Meyer, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Walmart, you name it! You can even scan your pickup and delivery grocery orders.
  • Fred Meyer Community Rewards. Visit FredMeyer.Com to link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to Harbor Heights VPO. Use organization number DE844, or search “Harbor Heights VPO”. Every time you purchase qualified items, a donation will be made to the VPO.
Box Tops
VPO Connections (1)
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